Seminars & Guides

Cedar shakes & shingles 101

If you’re new to cedar — or perhaps you have a new team member — learn the details behind cedar shakes and shingles, from milling to grading and available specifications.


Get the guide to fasteners

The most overlooked element of cedar shakes or shingles installation is fasteners. Not all fasteners are created equal. Choosing the right type for your project is the difference between decades-long durability, and a project that requires re-doing in just a few short years. 

Learn which fasteners are best for certain locations; differences in material durability, cost and availability; and how to drive them properly.

How to bid to win cedar sales

Join our cedar sales manager, Cassie Day, to learn all the questions to ask your customers before you sell them cedar shakes and shingles. Reduce errors and back-and-forth questions, so customers get the right products, every time.


Get the guide for cedar sales

Learn what to ask your customers in our guide, “10 Questions to Ask Your Customers.”

It’s a companion to our seminar, “How to bid to win cedar sales.” And it’s a free resource for cedar retailers and distributors to help you ensure your customer gets exactly what they’re looking for.

Make your next cedar project perfect.

As a leading provider of cedar shakes and shingles, we offer educational resources. Sign up for our monthly newsletter to get our latest guides — free.